This is a wall design I just finished. It was pretty tedious but I really am very happy with the way it turned out.
I used a paint made from the collagen of egg shells! It's called Ecotrend Collagen www.naturalinteriorpaint.com... It is a healthy alternative to regular latex paint and it will not grown mold! So it would be perfect for bathrooms. It is made from used egg shells from food processing plants. The shells are cleaned, dried and ground into powder that then has the collagen separated from it and is used to make the paint. It does not have any Benzene, Toulene, Xylene or Formaldehyde. It worked really well and if you are looking for a paint that will not off gas I would recommend this brand or AFM Safecoat (www.afmsafecoat.com) which is another excellent brand that has a very large product line including Stains, Exterior paints, metal paints and more. AFM Safecoat produces healthy paint products that do not contain any of the carcinogenic chemicals found in regular paints that although are not labeled "VOC's", they aren't the best for your health. So AFM is great for chemically sensative people and those trying to create a healthy home environment. In Georgia, you can get these products from Pure Life Healthy Homes in Atlanta and they will ship the paint to you also! They carry a variety of healthy and environmentally friendly products. They are extremely knowledgeable and will answer any questions you have and always make sure you are getting the product you need. www.purelifehealthyhomes.com
I really like the wall and can't wait to do more projects like this. I think this simple, understated look will complement many rooms and can be varied to be even more subtle that this.

This is a lovely blog. I really like the header :) ~ paul
ReplyDeleteThanks! kind of new at blogging but giving it a try.