My niece is all about princesses right now. She can spot anything remotely princess and everything is related to a princess. So with her 3rd birthday coming up (and her princess party) I decided to make her a "princess purse." (Hopefully the addition of the hot pink tulle will make it apparent that it's "princess.")
I used a portion of an old dress for the black and white fabric and I had to use my husband's old sewing machine he found to use for a variety of his projects because mine is being repaired... let's just say I will undertake no more sewing projects until I have mine back! It's definitely a little rough around the edges but hopefully will garner the approval of a 3 year old princess! Hopefully this, with the addition of some princess hairbows from Katerbug, will make a fitting gift.
This painting I did yesterday - another 6x6 - was just something that was inspired by my devotional and the verse Matthew 25:40. Just some of the thoughts rambling through my head inspired with some new music and the butterfly theme I had going from the day before. Not sure if I'm completely done but thought I would share anyway.
Last night, after trying to get motivated to work on a car painting that I'm struggling with getting the right feel with the setting for, I decided to just take a break and paint this little butterfly. I found these museum depth canvases and they are 6" x 6" and 2" deep... I just though they were great! I have 4 so I may do butterflies on the other 3 too but I haven't decided. This is the butterfly I stalked in my front yard the other day. It didn't mind me being there and kept coming back to the phlox in my flower bed.