So- I finally was able to finish a painting that I was happy with... although it took several layers and evolved as it went along. I started out with layers of blue and purple and green.. applied in a very Morris Louis style (just on a much smaller scale :) ). Then I kept adding layers of color until I had ruined it.. then went back with the ochres and whites to tone down the straight cadmium orange I had set it ablaze with to get a background I was happy with. The I painted the coneflower and grass silhouettes. This is I think only the 2nd triptych I've done but I really like it. As you know, I usually don't frame my pieces but this one I just felt needed a frame. So luckily - being the pack rat that I am - dug into my closet to find the wooden strips I had cut for some painting back in my college days and never did use - yes over 10 years later they do have a purpose! They were already painted black and I just had to cut them down to size and repaint the ends. I used a nail gun and just affixed the strips of wood directly onto the canvas. I was even able to use the scraps of the wood strips yesterday by stapling them together to create a base for my niece to do an art project with.
My niece's finished glass mosaic tile and seashell finished project using the frame scraps :)